Slow Travel in Greece

Krinides ancient village & the Mud Therapy center

Mud therapy & Hydrotherapy center in Krinides

An ancient village & the Mud therapy center: Slow Travel destination: Krinides

Therapeutic holidays in Greece in Krinides ancient village

Krinides is an ancient Greek city famous for its Mud Therapy & Hydrotherapy centre and is located in northeastern Greece, in the Macedonia region.

The city has 3.500 permanent residents and on its western side is located an UNESCO World Heritage Site, the archaeological sites of Philippi.

The Mud Therapy center of Krinides is the ultimate place to relax and rejuvenate your soul and body with a mud bath, a healing shower, Biomagnetic cupping massage or a volcanic rock massage treatment.

The Mud Therapy center operates from 1st of June to the 30th of September and offers the following treatments in their recently renovated facilities:

Pool mud bath
Therapeutic shower
Relaxing Massage
Volcanic Rock massage
Biomagnetic cupping massage

Mud therapy & Hydrotherapy center in Krinides

Pelotherapy: Relaxation & the therapeutic effect of the healing clay.

Discover the benefits of Mud Therapy & Hydrotherapy, treat yourself to a therapeutic shower, or a relaxing massage, and experience a biomagnetic cupping massage or a reflexology session.

In the Krinides Mud Therapy centre, you will regenerate and improve your health and well-being.

The healing clay is beneficial both as a topical (on the skin’s surface) and a systemic therapeutic effect in various functions, thanks to substances that penetrate the body.

The clay has anti-inflammatory, absorbent, anti-allergic, analgesic, and nourishing-regenerative properties. 

It stimulates the neuroendocrine system and aids in the consolidation of the body’s responses.

The use of pelotherapy speeds up the absorption of contractions and scars after diseases or injuries to the central and peripheral nervous systems, improves peripheral nerve regeneration, alleviates neuralgia, resolves muscle spasticity and stiffness, and relieves impotence.

Three weeks is the recommended treatment time. The treatment does not have an immediate effect. Following the clay treatment, eczema improves in two months and psoriasis improves in six months.

The therapeutic effects of Mud & Hydrotherapy

Acute eczema, psoriasis, fish, scleroderma, acne, and rosacea are among the skin diseases treated with Krinides’ healing clay.

The pelotherapy and hydrotherapy have the following therapeutic uses:

Rheumatic diseases with transition or tendency to transition to chronic joint rather than joint damage.

Inflammatory joint diseases e.g. rheumatoid arthritis.

Degenerative joint diseases, e.g. osteoarthritis, vertebral arthritis.

 Rheumatism of soft molecules e.g. periarthritis of the shoulder.

Rheumatologic disorders (Traumatology disorders, inflammatory arthropathies, neuralgia).

Traumatic treatment (in sprains, bruises, bruises, fractures).

Gynaecological disorders (inflammatory diseases of the genital organs, abnormal menstrual cycle emminories, nuisance adhesions after gynaecological surgery, aidoiitides, vaginitis, pyeloperitonitides.

Cardiovascular PA Thissio (vascular disease, phlebitis endoartiritida).

Skin disorders (eczema, youthful edge, psoriasis, local dermatitis).

Diseases of the nervous system (traumatic peripheral nerve paralysis, but if there is sensory loss.)

mud therapy wellness center

Hydrotherapy & massage benefits

Hydrotherapy is the application of thermal waters to treat rheumatoid arthritis, hip and knee osteoarthritis, fibromyalgia, rheumatism, lumbar problems, and other conditions.

The hammam Spa is beneficial to the skin because it opens up pores and removes dead skin cells. It also helps to relax muscles by producing a pleasant sensation.

Massage relieves headaches, improves sleep, reduces stress, and increases blood circulation, all of which contribute to overall body well-being.

More information about the opening hours, services, and prices you can check on the official Pelotherapy center in Krinides here!

Travel through History
The Philippi Archaeological Area

The archaeological site of Philippi, the ancient theatre, and the archaeological museum of Philippi are sites of historical and cultural importance.

The ancient theatre of Philippi was built in the middle of the 4th century. e.g. and is one of the earliest stone theatrical buildings. 

The ancient theatre made of marble was oriented to the south to provide panoramic views of the city to the audience.

During the Roman years, the theatre was used as a place of political activity but also for public and religious purposes.

Every year, one of the largest festivals in Greece, the Philippi Festival, takes place at the ancient theatre of Philippi, with a number of ancient drama performances and music concerts being presented.

The Archaeological Museum of Philippi is housed in a building designed by the architects Ioannis Triantaphyllides and Dimitrios Fatouros within the homonymous archaeological site.

His collection includes marble statues and pottery dating from 4,500 BC. and an incredible series of coins that cover the entire chronological range from the colonization of the area by the Thasians to the post-Byzantine times.

The Apostle Paul has passed through Krinides with the disciples of Silas, Timothy and possibly Luke and baptized Zygactus, the first Christian in Europe, Lydia.

The ruins of a reservoir are preserved in the archaeological site, where it is said that it is also the prison of the Apostle Paul when the Roman authorities of the place wanted to stop his teaching.

How to reach Krinides Mud & Hydrotherapy center?

Krinides is 15,7 km away from Kavala and 160 km from Thessaloniki.
The bus schedule from Thessaloniki to Kavala you may check here.

It is a 2,5-hour ride from Thessaloniki, costs 28 euros round-trip, 15 euro single, and the bus rides several times per day.

Once you reach Kavala you can take the bus to Krinides that rides every hour, costs 1.60 euro and the bus ride is half an hour.

The bus routes from Kavala to Krinides you can check here.

Are you ready to experience Mud Therapy & Hydrotherapy treatments in Greece?
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