Slow Travel in Greece

The Slow money movement

#Slow Money#

                                     What is Slow money?

Slow Money is a movement, promoting a new economic model with the focus on local economic sustainability and is directly connected to local food systems.

Slow money movement initiated by Woody Tasch, with the aim to connect inventors to local food enterprises and support the growth of local economies.

On 2008, Woody Tasch published his book ‘’Inquiries Into the Nature of Slow Money– Investing as if Food, Farms and Fertility Mattered’’ and in the same year the Slow Money non-profit organization was founded, 

with the mission to spread their principles around the world and strengthen local communities.

The Slow Money movement goes beyond the structured financial deals of investors and entrepreneurs.

It suggests a healthy lifestyle and eating behaviour, a renewal approach to connecting with the earth: 

  • The adoption of eco-friendly gardening and agricultural methods, as a way to preserve and maintain soil fertility

  •  The development of a self-reliant lifestyle, based on food self-sufficiency and a secure, socially responsible consumption, with the strong emphasis on circulating capital locally.

The Slow Money philosophy opens up space for considering where our money are really invested, if relying on food trade or domestic food production is realistic and the effectiveness when shopping locally instead of purchasing 

from multinational corporations.

All in all, the Slow Money concept fulfills financial and non-financial goals, as food sustainability, community development, and circular economy.

Travel Slow, Live sustainably & Love your Life!

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