Slow Travel in Greece

What is Slow Travel?

What is Slow Travel?

Slow travel is a holistic approach to sustainable tourism, directly connected with the Slow Living philosophy and the Slow Food movement.

Slow tourism is not a new phenomenon, since it describes the real meaning of holidays, an essential to life activity.

‘’Slow travel is about conscious decision-making.’’

Slow travel challenges stereotypes by inviting travellers to connect with the host community and their tradition, to become acquainted with their culture, food, drinks, and environment.

Empowering local communities, the Slow travel movement suggests a fair ideology for the traveller as well as for the host, based on the:

Preservation & protection of the human and natural environment

Sustainable consumption

(Re)Discovery of hidden treasures locally

Learning experiences

‘’Live like a local’’ mentality

Deep connection with the environment, traditions, and host societies

Usage of slow surface transport & “zero impact” mobility

Environmental awareness & shared experiences

Are you ready for your next Slow Travel experience in Greece?

Travel Slow, Live sustainably, and Love your Life!

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